EQ GYM Classes
Self-Care ClassPTR Meditation. By practicing your self-care muscle you will begin mastering being an observer. You will start to overlook the ego, emotional and your physical pain. This class is good for those who want to understand the bodies reaction. |
Self-Awareness ClassINTERACTIVE COACHING The self-awareness muscle is our first step and the foundation of all self-development. This class invites you to recognize your own behaviors, fears and self-doubts. We’ll look at our blinds spots and what's unknown to us. All in a safe container. This class is good for those who are new to internal work. |
Self-Perspective Class
T.A.M (Transcendent Active Meditation)
Inner child meditation & breathwork Training your self-perspective muscle will take you from victimhood to leadership by recognizing & re-writing your narrative.
60 min session once a week. In this meditation you will experience a process of self-healing. It's self-directed, and unfolds on its own for a deeper understanding of oneself. It is recommended that T.A.M is undertaken alongside traditional therapy, rather than be used as a replacement for it. |
Self-Acceptance ClassMEDITATION - EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE Anyone that has done any kind of self development work knows the importance of acceptance. Internalizing the concept of self acceptance is crucial for high EQ. This class suits those who have done some meditation practice or like the idea of meditation or need to calm down the brain activity. |
Self-Esteem ClassMEDITATION - SOURCE CODE TECHNIQUE A person with low EQ is unconsciously detached from their painful emotions and is often using extreme deflection and projection. Instead of having an awareness of uncomfortable emotions, they act on them or have developed coping mechanisms around them. In this class we look at the source of our fears. This is great for those who are comfortable with your own fear as well as other's emotions and vulnerability.
Self-Power Class
Energy Transmission Session.
Self-Worth ClassINTERACTIVE COACHING The foundation of our Self Worth muscle is integrity - to align our values with our actions. In this class we will practice listening, sharing and relating. This class is great for those who want to take action and see results. |
Self-Support ClassRECORDED INTUITION PRACTICE Sharpening your intuition practice. In this recorded meditation you practice to go within and support yourself. To become self-supporting, we have to embrace, receive and empower ourselves. Practicing "me time" mind fullness, mediation and self care on a daily basic it critical for creating gratitude, love, joy from within.
Self-Love ClassMEDITATION - OXYGEN THERAPY HOW TO GAIN COMPASSION AND EMPATHY By now everybody has heard about the term self-love and how important it is for self development and high EQ. Though not that many people know how to internalize it. "Oxygen therapy” This class suits everybody that likes to explore the physical body and likes endorphins. |
Self-Confidence ClassINTERACTIVE COACHING- COACHING CULTURE In this class we strengthen communication in different forms. By practicing being fully authentic and transparent with ourselves. This Class is for those who love self development, Human Resources, or leaders with a team. |